Smart City Playbook

Old Neighbor




Old neighborhoods in Al Madinah are located at proximity of the prophet’s mosque and religious sites, which are highly visited by pilgrims. The areas do not adhere to building codes and security  guidelines and have limited access to basic utilities and sanitation services. Old Neighborhood’s presence varies between highly populated urban residential areas and remote areas in the city and consist all of densely packed housing units of weak built quality.

Average Unemployment Rate

Neighborhood Residents

Key Sector Challenges Analysis

Key Observations

Residents and visitors of Al Madinah city navigate through old neighborhoods due to their proximity to major historical and religious sites

Living standards in Old Neighborhoods are lower than Al Madinah city’s average with a higher unemployment rate due to the low education penetration

The municipality and various NGOs are continuously conducting a comprehensive field survey of the old neighborhoods in terms of social, economic and architectural terms

Sector Strategic Objectives

to harness the power of technology to help integrate Al Madinah’s old neighborhoods to Al Madinah’s thriving economic and social landscape and empower higher standards of living


Promote an inclusive city that values all people and their needs and contributions equally


Adopt measures to proactively address challenges and needs of old neighborhood residents


Empower the residents of the old neighborhood to live a prosperous and rewarding life



We’ve developed 9 personas across 4 archetypes  to represent the needs of the people of Al Madinah City.



We facilitated a challenge identification session for the Old  Neighborhoods sector, focusing on our 9 personas.

Old Neighborhoods

Use Cases

Old Neighborhoods Mapping and Data Collection “Rasd Program”

Smart Narrow-Lane Vehicles  “Easy 3obor”

Old Neighborhood Advanced Database (ONAD)

AI-Powered Architectural Planning Tool “Maher”

Digital Engagement Platform “Tahseen”

Flood Routing Management Software “Weqaya”

Explore Our Sectors

Healthcare & Wellbeing

A healthier population that is taken care of with proactiveness, responsiveness and quality.


A seamless, pleasant, rich, and safe visitor experience across the City.

Environment & Agriculture

A sustainable living culture and conservation of resources to persist for future generations.

Transport & Mobility

A safer, more convenient, navigable, and accessible city.

Business, Industry & Logistics

An integrated, efficient and productive environment for business and industry to prosper.

Old Neighborhoods

The integration of Al Madinah’s old neighborhoods to Al Madinah’s thriving economic and social landscape and empower higher standards of living.