Smart Madinah Program

Better Cities, Streets and Neighbourhoods

Al Madinah smart city is responsible for developing and executing a comprehensive smart city plan for Al Madinah City, to improve its services and infrastructure.

The most tranquil, generous and dynamic smart city in the world

Smart City North Star

We will create the most tranquil, generous and dynamic smart city in the world, delivering enriched experiences to its residents and visitors, by putting technology, innovation and collaboration at the heart of Al Madinah City”

Explore Sectors

Healthcare & Wellbeing

A healthier population that is taken care of with proactiveness, responsiveness and quality.


A seamless, pleasant, rich, and safe visitor experience across the City.

Environment & Agriculture

A sustainable living culture and conservation of resources to persist for future generations.

Transport & Mobility

A safer, more convenient, navigable, and accessible city.

Business, Industry & Logistics

An integrated, efficient and productive environment for business and industry to prosper.

Old Neighborhoods

The integration of Al Madinah’s old neighborhoods to Al Madinah’s thriving economic and social landscape and empower higher standards of living.


To demonstrate and illustrate the experiences that could be possible as the city of Madinah delivers on its Smart City program


An innovative interoperable platform providing centralized solutions for smart cities, focusing on seamless exchange of data and essential delivery of services, covering the private and public needs for informed insight and optimized efficiency.

Al Madinah
Innovation Labs

An ecosystem where teams, tools and physical space converge to facilitate the production of ideas, insights and assets to solve the biggest challenges

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